mercoledì 28 settembre 2011

How to Convert any 2D video to 3D with Youtube pplication easy steps

STEP 1/6

not from the personal channel but from "home video" page and select the "Save Change"

STEP 2/6

select "3D Video" tab

STEP 3/6

select your 2D video

STEP 4/6

flag the "Enable 3D conversion for this video" and Save the change

STEP 5/6

STEP 6/6

now is enable the 3D icon below the video

Inserisci link


100% free 3D glasses and worldwide shipping

martedì 23 agosto 2011

Surgery in 3D: The da Vinci® Surgical System

You've just been diagnosed with a condition requiring surgery. Until very recently your options included traditional surgery with a large open incision or laparoscopy, which uses small incisions but is typically limited to very simple procedures..... complete article HERE

Leonardo Da Vinci and 3D stereoscopy: The quest for “perfect painting”

Complete article HERE