sabato 20 dicembre 2014

ATHEER AiR™ PLATFORM 3-D glasses offer hands-free computing for doctors

Wearing our see-through smart glasses, you can see information critical
to your workflow overlaid contextually onto the real world. Naturally
interact with the digital objects, and collaborate with your peers like
never before.

STEREOSCOPY :: Eye Create Worlds presents VCP Dynamic Display Dem

Virtual Command Presence is a virtual reality application that allows you to display high definition video from a variety of sources on simulated monitors that exist in a virtual 3D space.

venerdì 5 dicembre 2014

STEREOSCOPY :: ACTIVE VR 360 degrees 3D Panorama Open HTML5 JS by M.Murakami and Masuji SUTO

Try now the fantastic 3D 360 degrees Java Script + HTML5 for smartphones and your own Google Cardboard.

It is a simple code where you can customize your own 3D 360 images (left and right).

The Active Panorama viewer uses JavaScripting. If necessary, enable 'Active Scripting' and Refresh the page.  


martedì 2 dicembre 2014

Hercules in 3D 2014 HSBS FULL END CREDITS

Why a movie’s End Credits Are Important?
Closing Credits usually
consist of a black screen and white text, but I am collecting the
amazing 3D end titles for all 3Dfans ... click below to watch an example